Wednesday, 28 May 2008

28 May 2008

Lotsa good news today.

I did four reps of push ups today. I started with only three, totaling 65 push ups per day, about three weeks ago. My fourth rep takes it to 105 push ups per day.

I have a job!
I'll be working for my father. We refurbish old car and truck batteries. ie. lead acid batteries.

My birthday is four days away.

The only bad news is that a good friend of mine is leaving the country. He was born in england, and he came here to South Africa to study. Now he's moving to Australia. We're having a farewell for him this Friday.

Also, I picked up a 1.5kg bag of leather from a good friend of mine, and I've already made some designs. Like they say, 'Its not what you know, its who you know'.

And thats all for now. I'll try post again tomorrow.

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