Wednesday, 14 May 2008

14th May, 2008

My Answers

As promised, here is my selection. I have also included reasons.

The first one I would lose, is the policeman, for two reasons. First, I don't want a gun. There will, inevitably, be fighting. A gun only makes it easier to kill someone. Second, we'll probably me making our own laws.

The second one I would lose, is the chemist. He, or she, won't want to reproduce. I must stress that that is the only reason.

The third one I would lose, is the famous historian. I would rather explain why I kept the rest

The forth one I would lose, is the television actress. I would, once again, rather explain why I kept the rest

So, that leaves us with: The book keeper, the pregnant schoolgirl, the doctor, the clergyman,, the student, and the athlete.

First off, I immediately kept the doctor and the athlete. The doctor can take care of the sick, and the athlete can hunt for food. The clergyman, I kept, because I am a very religious person. Now its gets difficult. We aren't given enough information about the student, or the book keeper. For example, what was the student studying. Well, the chances are very, no, extremely high that she was studying something that could prove useful to us. I chose to keep the book keeper, because he/she has spent their life around books. We can safely assume that they read a lot. Therefore, we can safely assume that they are very educated.

Now for the last one, and probably, my most controversial choice. Why did I choose the pregnant school girl?
Pregnant, means she's carrying another person. We're assuming that the baby won't be born until after the survivors are able to leave the shelter. So that already adds to our numbers.The other reason, is that, given her age, we can safely say that she is the youngest member of the group. Therefore, we can almost say, that she will live the longest. Her low IQ is the only thing that works against that assumption.

All in all, had we been given the age and the gender of each individual, it would, most likely, have made the decision easier.

I'd be interested to know who you chose, and what your reasons were. Send me an email.

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