Wednesday, 28 May 2008

28 May 2008

Lotsa good news today.

I did four reps of push ups today. I started with only three, totaling 65 push ups per day, about three weeks ago. My fourth rep takes it to 105 push ups per day.

I have a job!
I'll be working for my father. We refurbish old car and truck batteries. ie. lead acid batteries.

My birthday is four days away.

The only bad news is that a good friend of mine is leaving the country. He was born in england, and he came here to South Africa to study. Now he's moving to Australia. We're having a farewell for him this Friday.

Also, I picked up a 1.5kg bag of leather from a good friend of mine, and I've already made some designs. Like they say, 'Its not what you know, its who you know'.

And thats all for now. I'll try post again tomorrow.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

22nd May 2008

So there's a lot on my mind right now.

I work part time. I say part time, What I actually mean is, I help my father out whenever he needs help. Which could be once in a week, or it could be four times in a week. I'm hoping that this will turn into a full time position.

In the meantime, I'm working on a script for a musical that I'm planning for the end of this year. Believe me when I say that, this is the easy part. This is being done for charity. It means that no one is getting paid to be a part of the production. My cast, musicians and crew will all have to be volunteers. People tend to take, what they get paid for, more seriously, than what they don't get paid for. So far I'm the director, lyricist, scriptwriter, casting agent, and over all producer. Oh yeah, and lets not forget music director. Don't get me wrong, I love this type of thing, and, (I know I'll regret this later on) I really want to do this. I really want to see this through.

The other thing on my mind, is leather. Yes, you heard me right, leather. A friend of mine offered to teach me leather crafting. It sounds like a lot of fun, and also something that I can make some money from. You know me, always seeing the business side of things.

Finally, there's my birthday. On the 1st of June, I turn 22!!

I really do feel great about where I am right now. I'm young enough to try lots of new things.

I'll be counting down the days.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

15th May, 2008

Life Or Something Like It (The Poker Tournament)

I like to think that life is like a poker tournament.

You enter into a tournament. You get your first hand. You must now choose what to bet.
You're born with strengths and weaknesses. Your parents must choose how much they are willing to spend on you. In other words, what schools you go to, what kind of clothes you'll where, and what toys you'll have.

Some people are born into rich families... kinda like a flush. Others are born into a poor family... kinda like a pair. I guess its the luck of the draw.

So you start with school. Now, you choose whether to work hard and get the best grades you can, or to waste your time, your teachers and your parents money. Imagine being dealt a four of a kind and folding.

When you finish your education, you enter the working world. Again, this is he luck of the draw. Some people get given an opportunity to make a fortune. Consider having been dealt a king, queen, ten, and jack of the same suit. The chances are extremely high that you'll score a royal flush. Even an idiot wouldn't throw that hand away.
Some people have to create the opportunity for themselves. Consider being dealt one ace. The ideal play, assuming your other cards aren't related to each other, is to draw four. This gives you a 4 in 47 chance of drawing at least one other ace. If you don't draw any aces, you could always bluff your way through. All in all, what one does with one's hand, is more important than the hand itself.

At some stage, the game has to end. If you've had plenty of luck, and you've played well... you will come out well. If didn't have much luck, but you still played well, you should come out well. If you've had plenty of luck, but you didn't play well, you'll come out at a loss. And if you didn't have much luck, and you played badly, you'll also come out with a loss.

Sometimes people cheat. Maybe they engage in tax evasion, or they start selling illegal substances. Sometimes they get caught, sometimes they don't. So too, do people cheat in poker games. I know of one personally. I won't mention their name, but nobody wanted to play with him for long.

We need to learn to focus on the good cards, not the bad cards. We need to learn, not to rely too heavily on luck. We need to learn to create opportunities for ourselves. Remember, when Maverick started with a hand of only one useful card, and his opponent had a straight? Maverick didn't give up. He bravely placed his bet, and drew four new cards. Both players placed bets until they were all in. His opponent sure of victory, turned over his cards and laughed. Then Maverick turned over his cards. He had a royal flush. The highest possible hand. He walked away with half a million dollars that day.

Life is about taking risks. My advice, take them while you're still young.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

14th May, 2008

My Answers

As promised, here is my selection. I have also included reasons.

The first one I would lose, is the policeman, for two reasons. First, I don't want a gun. There will, inevitably, be fighting. A gun only makes it easier to kill someone. Second, we'll probably me making our own laws.

The second one I would lose, is the chemist. He, or she, won't want to reproduce. I must stress that that is the only reason.

The third one I would lose, is the famous historian. I would rather explain why I kept the rest

The forth one I would lose, is the television actress. I would, once again, rather explain why I kept the rest

So, that leaves us with: The book keeper, the pregnant schoolgirl, the doctor, the clergyman,, the student, and the athlete.

First off, I immediately kept the doctor and the athlete. The doctor can take care of the sick, and the athlete can hunt for food. The clergyman, I kept, because I am a very religious person. Now its gets difficult. We aren't given enough information about the student, or the book keeper. For example, what was the student studying. Well, the chances are very, no, extremely high that she was studying something that could prove useful to us. I chose to keep the book keeper, because he/she has spent their life around books. We can safely assume that they read a lot. Therefore, we can safely assume that they are very educated.

Now for the last one, and probably, my most controversial choice. Why did I choose the pregnant school girl?
Pregnant, means she's carrying another person. We're assuming that the baby won't be born until after the survivors are able to leave the shelter. So that already adds to our numbers.The other reason, is that, given her age, we can safely say that she is the youngest member of the group. Therefore, we can almost say, that she will live the longest. Her low IQ is the only thing that works against that assumption.

All in all, had we been given the age and the gender of each individual, it would, most likely, have made the decision easier.

I'd be interested to know who you chose, and what your reasons were. Send me an email.

Monday, 12 May 2008

13th May, 2008

The Fall-Out Shelter

Suppose that there are ten people in a fall-out shelter after a nuclear war. The fall-out shelter is equipped to provide for only six people to survive.

Set yourself a time limit of 20 minutes to decide which four of the ten will have to be eliminated from the shelter. Once you have written down your list, try to write down a reason for each selection.

Remember, it is possible that the six people you select may be the only six people left to start the human race all over again. The choice, is therefore, critical.

If you do not choose, then you are in fact electing to let them fight it out amongst themselves, with the possibility that more than four may die.

The ten people in the fall-out shelter are:

  • A book Keeper, 31 years old
  • A pregnant schoolgirl aged 16, with a low IQ
  • A doctor
  • A famous historian-author, aged 42
  • A chemist, homosexual
  • A black clergyman
  • A female university student
  • A policeman with a gun (They cannot be separated)
  • An Olympic athlete, all sports
  • A television actress

Who would you eliminate? Who would you keep?

I'll post my answers in my next post, probably tomorrow.

12th May 2008

News & Updates

I'm going to attempt to write more regularly.

I gotta say, life is pretty good at the moment.

I've started an exercise regime 7 days ago. I got tired of not being strong enough.

I got my drivers license, on th first try!

I did, successfully preset 'A Christmas Wish', and I'm now planning a musical for the end of this year.

Since my brother recently got married, I'm now the only unmarried brother left. I actually had one or two old ladies poke me and tell me, 'You're next".

Anyways, as you can see, life is treating me very well at the moment.