Friday, 08 December 2006

8th december 2006 "The Play"

The question that everyone's been asking me for the past two weeks. The answer unfortunatly still has an 'if' in it. But its better to start with the question isn't it.

Question: Is the play actually still on? If so, when exactly is it?

Answer: IF, I have a complete cast at the next three practises, then yes.
IF, it is actually on, it will be on Sunday the 17th of December, at night.

So there you have it. if only it were that simple. I have to give an answer to the pastor by sunday morning, so that it can be announced in church. After all, you can't announce it on the morning before the play. Now, the next practise is on Tuesday. So the obvious question is, how can I give an answer like that, when i have to tell pastor before the next practise. Well, thats what makes this complicated. I am still confident that the play will go ahead. So, having said that, wish me luck.

P.S Just in case my pastor happens to be reading this, I will have an answer for you... probably saturday evening.

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