Saturday, 16 December 2006

16th december 2006 "D Day"

Well, all my careful planning, practising, and perfecting comes down to this.

The play is tomorrow. "A Christmas Wish" will be on stage for the irst time tomorrow at 7:00pm. I'd like to give a full cast list.

Wayne: Andrew Versfeld
Older Wayne: Jon calder
Lewis: Sam Moyo
Melissa: Deborah Calder
Elizbeth: Fulata Moyo
Liz: Claire James
Samantha: Claire James
Mom: Fiona Mathison
Doctor: Marie Mathison
Narrater: Dave Versfeld

The Crew include

Lighting: Marie Mathison
Sound: Rob Calder

I'm am trying o organize a video camera for the production. Then I can have a recorded version of the play. Please wish me luck. I hope that all will go well. I have an excellent cast, who have been enthusiastic the whole way through. The audience could be anything from 15 to 100. I probably won't post again until the day after tomorrow, because i'm gonna be so tired. So, I'll see you then. Maybe at a later stage I'll post the script here. In the mean time if you want to see it, please email me.

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