Friday, 01 December 2006

1st december 2006 "My Play"

My Play is entitled 'A Christmas Wish'.
Its about a boy who realises that life is not as simple as he thought. He realises that God had a plan fr him before he was even born. The story follows the life of Wayne (Andrew Versfeld), who is visited by an angel named Lewis (Sam Moyo). Directing and acting in a play at the same time is not as easy as I first thought. You have to be able to watch the action intently to direct it. You have to be able to put what you've imagined on to stage. Other cast include:

Melissa: Deborah Calder
Older Wayne: Jon Calder
ELizabeth: Fulata Moyo
Samantha: Claire James
Mother: Fiona Mathison
Doctor: Marie Mathison

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