Wednesday, 22 November 2006

A dog's life

I'm sitting here with my dog, Jackson, when a thought pops into my mind. Imagine living life as a dog, with not a single problem in the world, not a single dillema or issue in your life. Think about it for a minute...

Jackson is a domestocated dog. We feed him every night, so he doesn't have to worry about food. (Sometimes he even gets better food than us.) Ablutions are less of a problem. So long as he goes outside, his owners will pick up after him. Lets go deeper. A dog doesn't have political issues, or philosophical issues. A dog doesn't have to make a living. Apparently, the average adult needs to get 10 hours of sleep per night. A dog sleeps when its tired, whether it be day time or night time.

Most importantly though, a dog has unconditional love for its owner. A story is told of a man who couldn't afford to keep his dog anymore. He wasn't a dog lover. So he took his dog to a dam near his house and he rowed out to the centre of the dam. He threw the dog into the dam but the dog climbed back in, so he threw it back out. This struggle lasted for few minutes, before the man eventually fell in. The man suddenly found himself in a very bad situation because he couldn't swim. Lets pause for a second... What would you have done, if you were the dog. Well, the dog held on to the man until help came. The man decided to keep the dog after all.

Life would be nice as a dog, but, at the same time, being a human being isn't so bad either. What sets us apart from all the other animals on the planet, is that we have the ability to make friends and fall in love. We have an imagination... the willingness to believe in greater things for ourselves. We are able to set goals and succeed in life.

So maybe being a human isn't so bad after all...

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