Wednesday, 22 November 2006

22nd november 2006 "My Computer"

Just got a new laptop from my uncle in Underburg. Thank You uncle Jack! Also my computer is finally ready. My fathers gonna pick it up from durban later. Anyway, I need to start driving. I plan to buy a ferrari, a big mansion in hawaii, get married to a beautiful woman and have kids... (Hey, I can dream can't I). Nah, right now all I want is an income. Expandable goals, thats what I need.

Anyway, thats all for today.

(In case anyone's wondering... I'm using my fathers laptop to type this blog.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey dude. Good form on starting up a blog. Will try remember to check it out every now and again.

Not much for me to add for the moment - however, I must say some of those "Things you should know by now" are absolute classics. Very funny.