Thursday, 24 July 2008

24th July 2008

I realise that I haven't written in a while. The reason for this, is because of my job. I work a normal eight hour per day job, only I work six days a week.

But, onto my news...

I plan to send my first book to be published soon. In fact, as soon as possible. I'm told that one should only expect a response from the publisher a month after delivery. Also, it will, apparently, be six months before the book actually enters book stores. And this, of course, is all only if they accept my book.

Thought Of The Day
There comes a time in ones life, where one begins to realise that ones life is in one's own hands. I came to this realisation recently. More specifically, my mother introduced me to a test called RealAge. It can be found here, RealAge WebSite.

So I, reluctantly, took the test. I was twenty one at the time. My results showed that my body's age was twenty six, or there about. I was not too happy about this. So, I set to rectifying the situation. My test results showed that I had bad sleeping habits. I now, make sure that I get eight hours of sleep every night. The results also showed that I lacked in exercise. This is why I started with my push ups. There were many other things, but I don't think I need to go through them.

Six months later, at age twenty two, I retook the test. My body's age is now twenty three. I'm much happier with this result.

I highly recommend the Real Age test to anyone and everyone. It'll change your life.

I leave you with this thought:

"Do what you do, do well."
-David Versfeld

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